Can Dogs Eat Strawberries? 

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A Berry Special Treat


Next time you're snacking on some strawberry slices, your pup can join in as well!  When used in moderation, dogs can eat strawberries too. And just like for us, that juicy sweet fruit has an irresistible taste for them.

Did you know...

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Next time you're grocery shopping, pile up on fresh strawberries and leave the processed dog treats on the shelf.

health benefits of

Frozen Strawberry, Goat Milk, & Hemp Hearts Dog Treats

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High-quality, plant-based dietary fiber should be at the top of your dog's nutritional needs list. Fiber is also essential in the weight control of dogs.

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Malic Acid

Malic acid produces water and energy for the body. It also helps keep muscles strong, improves the immune system, and helps the dog's body filter out harmful toxins.


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Physically, magnesium gives a boost to muscle function and regeneration, helping your dog's body stay healthy and energized, even in the later years.


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Potassium maintains a necessary balance of fluid in the body, guaranteeing healthy muscle growth and function. 


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Vitamin E

Vitamin E is important to vision, reproduction, and the health of your blood, brain and skin.


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Get the full Strawberry, Goat Milk, & Hemp Heart treat recipe

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Like most fruits, strawberries contain natural sugars and starch, negatively affecting dogs way quicker than humans. Also, if allowed to overindulge in strawberries dogs can experience diarrhea.

Can there be risks when dogs have strawberries?

Other dog treat recipes



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