Bless This Mess
I never really gave much thought to the way I ate growing up. Times were simpler and meals were definitely easier without labels! I just ate things I liked and didn’t eat what I didn’t like. I ate meat a few times a week. I loved vegetables, couldn’t get enough eggs, and I never, ever said no to dessert! Easy enough right?
Fast forward a few years (ok, a decade or two). I don’t eat for just me anymore. I have a gluten free, vegetarian husband and two meat loving kids. Meal time got really messy as the number of people around our family table grew. My husband and son have gluten intolerances that can wreak havoc on their bodies. My teenage daughter is the harshest gluten free critic on the planet, and my son would gladly settle for a veggie-free, meat-heavy diet if we let him. (Insert stunned emoji here.)

Over the years I have developed a system that makes the process of planning our messy meals easier. It is based off of what kind of eaters are sitting at our table. We eat mostly vegetarian. I make meat dishes that can be used in a variety of ways a few times a week, and I have developed a blend of gluten free flours that, when mixed together in the right proportions, turn out the tenderest, fluffiest baked goods every single time. And they actually meets my daughter’s rigorous testing standards!
Since I started blogging I have developed over 500 recipes and heard countless stories from people just like us who are dealing with the same issues at the dinner table we are! It seems that every house has at least one special dietary need or preference sitting at the family table these days. Most family cooks are prepping multiple meals every day to feed everyone. Here on TMIO, I hope to help ease the frustration of answering that age-old question “What’s for dinner?” and to get you back to cooking one meal at dinner that makes everyone happy!
So, maybe you are wondering where the heck to start…let me help you navigate This Mess Is Ours so you can get the most out of your time here!
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