Here is What To Give Dogs With An Upset Stomach!

By: this mess is ours

Is your pup feeling queasy? Next time you think there may be digestive issues, be prepared and know exactly what to give dogs with an upset stomach. There can be many reasons for a dog's upset stomach, ranging from mild tummy aches to severe intestinal issues.  Make sure to see your vet if you are very concerned.

If your dog is vomiting or has diarrhea, the odds are that they ingested something that their body is rejecting. As we all know, this is pretty common in dogs. Dogs will eat or at least taste anything that has the slightest smell. Even the yuckiest of things!

Fortunately, dogs have an evolutionary mechanism that allows their bodies to expel anything toxic. Most of the time, the body will rid itself of these toxins by vomiting or through diarrhea. When the system is once again clear, your dog should be feeling better and happier.

Symptom Check - Check that your dog isn't exhibiting more serious symptoms of digestive or intestinal illness. Symptoms of lethargy, bloody stool, and non-stop vomiting are reasons to call the vet.

Dehydration Check - Dehydration can be a serious problem if left unchecked, and possibly lead to organ failure.

Fasting - If you make it through the previous tests without complications, continue to the fasting phase. Avoid feeding your dog any food for 12 hrs. This will give the body time to rest, hopefully ending the illness.





Things to do if your dog is vomiting

What should you give to dogs with an upset stomach? Home remedies for dogs

Boiled turkey or chicken White rice Canned Pumpkin Sweet Potatoes

This is what we keep on hand to give our dogs with an upset stomach.

Native Pet Probiotic Dog Vitamins Advanced Anti-Diarrhea