What Fruit  Can Dogs Eat?

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Nature's Dog Treats


Fruits are normally very nutritious for dogs, but there are limits. Some fruits like grapes and raisins are extremely hazardous to a dog's body. And overindulging in any fruit can also be dangerous for dogs.

Do you know what fruit dogs can eat?

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It helps to remember the 90/10 rule if you're unsure of the food to treat ration. This rule means that 90% of your dog's daily calorie intake should come from dog food; the extra 10% can come from treats like fruit.

What fruit can dogs eat? What are the risks/benefits?

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They contain numerous essential nutrients, including potassium and several vitamins that increase overall health. But the high degree of fiber and vitamin C is what makes the apple really stand out.

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Bananas (NOT the peel)

The most widely known nutritional benefit of bananas, potassium, enhances the muscular system, including the heart, guaranteeing healthy muscle growth and function.


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Blueberries help keep your dog hydrated, reduce the risks associated with several diseases and cancers, and contain many antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.


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Thiamine (found in pineapple) promotes organ and brain health, improving motor skills and cognitive functions. It is involved in energy production and storage as well.


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The high concentration of malic acid in strawberries enables the body to produce water and energy while filtering out harmful toxins.


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The antioxidant properties in lycopene, a common nutrient found in watermelon, help reduce the risks of various cancers, promote a healthy heart, and regulate blood pressure.


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