Feeding your pup a diet of 100% human grade dog food is easy, cost-effective, and WAY better for them than a traditional doggie diet of only processed kibble.
Our fresh dog food recipes are all easy to make, are loaded with protein, vitamins, and nutrients and according to our pups are all downright delicious!
In 2019, we received news that our pup's blood work showed he was in stage 4 kidney failure and was given a 3-6 month life expectancy. We started a (NOT cost friendly) prescription diet that our dog would not even eat! So, I knew I had to do something.
After tons of researching, recipe developing, and consulting with my vet, we decided to take a different approach. We started Hooch on a 100% human grade diet, and now I sit here 3 years later with a happy and healthy pup that has zero signs of kidney disease. Here is our roundup of homemade dog food and treat recipes
Simply combine equal parts of the herbs you are using in a jar and shake to combine.
If your dog eats homemade food, ensuring plenty of calcium in the diet is a must.
According to certain holistic and naturopathic vets, coconut oil has properties that help with a variety of illnesses.