If you are a part of our email subscriber list you already know we have some BIG changes that are coming to the site over the next couple of months and I am so excited to finally share the first of them with you today! My dear friend Sabrina of Vigor and Sage (AKA: the big green birthday party co-host) is bringing her expertise on health, wellness and authentic living to B&B with an inspiring series all about edible flowers. Every few weeks this spring and summer we will be bringing you a different flower and loads of recipe inspiration along with our favorite floral inspired products so you too can infuse your world with edible botanicals! -Meg
Hi B&B readers, it's Sabrina of Vigor and Sage and I am so excited to be here with you today! Spring is here and I'm not complaining about it. I love the feeling of growth and renewal associated with this season. It feels like a great time to slow down and reflect, noticing the little things and allowing yourself to bloom unhurriedly. My attention has been on doing less with more focus, and being very mindful about where I spend my energy. Its such a good feeling when I can spend my time with friends and still feel like I've had a productive day. Post preschool drop off lately has found me and my 9-month old daughter Vera posted up at the local coffeehouse with Meg chatting away about what it means to really live intuitively and how to invest in our own personal growth. These conversations quickly evolved into a natural collaboration, one that continues to grow and blossom. Taking a cue from nature we've decided to dive into the healing art of edible flowers. From delicious recipes to simple self-care rituals, we will be combining both of our strengths and passions to share different ways you can enjoy nature's bounty.
On a recent trip to the local farmers market, Meg turned me on to a farmer who was selling bunches of fresh chamomile. Already pretty obsessed with edible flowers, I jumped at the chance to get my hands on some. I kind of freaked out! Honestly, I was giddy with excitement! These daisy like gems are just delightful, so light and sweet. And let me tell you.. waking up to the smell of fresh chamomile is divine! We made it a point to hit him up again the following week, grabbed at least three more beautiful bunches each and haven't stopped swapping recipe ideas since! Obsessed much? It's hard not to be.
3. Chamomile Tisane: Quite possibly the easiest cup of tea you will ever brew! Delightful, light and sweet floral flavor notes that have the ability to mellow your mood within a few sips. Simply place ¼ cup fresh chamomile buds into a tea strainer, cover with water heated to 200°F and steep for 3-5 minutes. We love the naturally sweet tones of this tea all by itself, but feel free to drizzle in a little chamomile citrus simple syrup, agave or honey if you prefer a slightly sweeter sip.
5. Chamomile Digestive Bitters from Urban Moonshine
We first tried these digestive bitters at Expo West last month when our tummies were feeling a bit uneasy from all of the sampling we had been subjecting ourselves too. Admittedly, we were skeptical that they would work, but after a small shot our tummies calmed down and we were turned on to the world of digestive bitters. According to Urban Moonshine these Chamomile Digestive Bitters are also great for occasional heartburn and morning sickness during pregnancy and the high ginger content in this formula makes it effective for occasional nausea.
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